2018 Albuquerque, NM Show

Lots of fun and accomplishments were had in Albuquerque (even though I was not there). Here's what happened:
5/12 – Saturday – Judge Toddie Clark
Bluebonnet’s On The Rocks Ruffina CGC ‘Ruffina’ took Winners Bitch
CH Wildering’s Too Hot For You ‘Cinder’ was Best of Opposite
GCH CH Fiva’s Zokrates ‘Zippo’ was Select Dog
5/13 – Sunday – Judge Houston Clark
Bluebonnet’s On The Rocks Ruffina CGC ‘Ruffina’ took WB and
Best of Winners for a major (only 1 more point to her CH)
CH Wildering’s Too Hot For You ‘Cinder’ was Best of Opposite
GCH CH Fiva’s Zokrates ‘Zippo’ was Best of Breed