Puppy Challenge: Ruffina earns her CGC and goes to First National Specialty
Presenting Ruffina - now Bluebonnet's On The Rocks Ruffina CGC
National Specialty: Jill's first time showing Ruffina!! Just shows how much Ruffina loves
her mamma!!!
Thursday, April 12th - International Judge Sharon Springel (UK) Puppy Sweeps
12-18mth class - had so much fun (as you can see in the pics!!) LOVE IT
Friday, April 13th - CGC evaluator Ira Vanorder
earned her CGC (WHOOP)
Friday, April 13th - International Judge Denis Vernon (France)
12-18mth class - absolute loved her...but she was having too much fun!!!
Saturday, April 14th - Judge Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna
12-15mth class - 1st Place - judge raved about her -
seriously considered for winner's bitch!!
Thank you Tiffanie Coe for showing this beautiful girl to her best!