2018 Leonberger National Specialty

WOW - So much wonderful news to share:
Let's start with GCH CH VLX Bluebonnet's Joyful Goose A Laying Ziva CGCA CGCU BN CD RAE RM TKA
Tuesday, April 10th - Judge Anna Lorenz
Novice Obedience, 4th
Rally Masters, 1st
Rally Excellent, 1st
Rally Advanced, 2nd
Rally High Triple QQQ
and Rally High Combined
Wednesday, April 11th - Judges Mary Alice Eschweiler and Christine Mann
We tried our best at Novice Draft, but came up a bit short by failing the 'back' portion of the test - we will keep plugging away and try again!!!
Thursday, April 12th - CGC evaluator Ira Vanorder
Earned CGCA and CGCU
Friday, April 13th - International Judge Denis Vernon (France)
1st Place Versatile Female Leonberger
Saturday, April 14th - (show 1) - Judge Suzanne Hemminger
Novice Obedience, 4th
Rally Masters, 1st
Rally Excellent, 1st
Rally Advanced, 2nd
Rally High Triple QQQ
and Rally High Combined
Saturday, April 14th - (show 2) - Judge Loretta Lazzara
Novice Obedience, 3rd
Rally Masters, 1st
Rally Excellent, 1st
Rally Advanced, 1st
Rally High Triple QQQ
and Rally High Combined
Saturday, April 14th - awarded Versatile Leonberger Excellent chair back
also recognized as 2017 number 5 Top Leo Bitch Owner Handled