2021 April New Caney Show News
Bluebonnet Leos had a very good weekend and everyone had a great time in the Texas sun and wind. :) Same results for both Saturday, April...

First Bluebonnet's of 2021
Let's start the year out with some beautiful Bluebonnet and West Mtn Leos in the beautiful bluebonnet's of Texas. I went out to see...

First Scent Work element titles achieved for Ziva!
Ziva and I earned her last legs in Novice Containers and Novice Interior yesterday. (and a 3rd place in Containers) SCN and SIN will be...

Scent Work here we come!!
Ziva trialed in scent work this weekend. She qualified in all 4 novice trials (2 container and 2 interior). I have videos of containers...

2020 AKC Rally Nationals Official Pictures
A couple collages I made from the Pixnpages official photos. They really do a great job!!

Ziva, the 1st Leo to place in the TOP 10 at AKC Rally Nationals
Ziva and I placed 9th at the AKC Rally Nationals in Orlando, Florida yesterday. She is so good at staying along side, at my pace. This...

Ziva has earned another title - AKC Temperament Test (ATT)
Just another day at the office for this wonderful girl. Ziva and I had the honor of adding her AKC Temperament Testing title. She was...

I am a Great Great Great Grandma!!! West Mountain G 'The Enchanted' Litter.
Can you believe it - I am a Great Great Great Grandma! (Peter/Teresa of West Mtn Leos have placed all pups) I had the wonderful pleasure...

Quick Update
First off, Cinder and Taavi did not take. Both have had beautiful litters, it just did not work out. Next up will be Ziva and Wilma. ...